Reliance Capital Group Company | Mentoship Board of Nexus Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Amit Jain is Co-Founder & CEO of Ashika Wealth Advisors. This organization advises Private Family Offices (Above 100 Crores) for Investments, Merchant Banking, Private Equity, Debt Syndication, Mergers & Acquisitions, Equity Broking, Wealth Management, and related activities. He has keen interest in mentoring new start-ups to scale their businesses. He has mentored start-ups from IIM, IIT, DTU, DU and other premium institutes in India. He is on the
Mentorship Board of Nexus (US Govt. Incubation Centre) for AsiaPacific. He has become head of India Region at this Reliance Capital Group Company before the age of 30.
Contact (LinkedIn)
Top Skills
Retail Banking
Business Development
Derivatives Core Module
All NSDL Modules
AMFI Module
Certification of Tax-Planning
Certification for “Advising for Affluent Clients”
Outstanding Employee
Best Business Head
Best Employee Award for ‘IDEAEXPRESS Club’
Reliance Money Spinners Trophy
Global Award of “Club 500”
Prior to his entrepreneurship stint, Amit served the Indian banking & financial services industry for eighteen years. In his last assignment he served Reliance Capital Group Company as Business Head for the India Region. He had been part of Reliance Group’s
Leaderships team for almost a decade. He streamlined all business processes and created new growth benchmarks blending top-line and profitability for his vertical. As a Business Head, all functions of business i.e. Sales, Finance, Marketing, Operation & Quality, Compliance & Risk reported to him for the India Region. He has demonstrated an outstanding track record across eighteen years, setting up businesses from scratch by launching new products in suitable geographical markets with competitive pricing & retail distribution network. He managed a network for more than 10,000 franchisees, creating a team of 400 employees. He has keen interest in philanthropy and new-age start up mentoring.
Ashika Group of Companies
Co-Founder & CEO
August 2018 – Present (1 year 8 months)
Mumbai Area, India
Board Observer
April 2018 – August 2018 (5 months)
New Delhi Area, India
We Care Finance , Nemesis Consultant
Founder & CEO
April 2017 – August 2018 (1 year 5 months)
North India
Reliance Capital
Business Head- Money Transfer Service, Banking Correspondent & Gold Coins
June 2006 – December 2016 (10 years 7 months)
New Delhi Area, India
My Roles & Responsibilities:
• Accomplishing the annual Top-line & Net Profit target for my StrategicBusiness Unit.
• Heading the entire Country for International Money Transfer Business &
Domestic Money
Transfer Business for Reliance Money Express .
• Heading the Retail Gold Coins Business for Pan India.
• Handling more than 312 On-Roll Employees & 84 Off-Roll employees
• All functional Heads of Business i.e Operations Head, Compliance Head,
Marketing Head,
Finance Head, Segment Head- Banking Correspondent & TPD & three Zonal Head- Sale
directly report to me.
• Instrumental in setting up franchisee network of more than 10000 outletsacross India for western Union Money transfer Business.
• Had been consistently rated “Outstanding Employee “in each appraisal cycleat Reliance
Capital in last six years.
Senior Manager-Personal Banking July 2005 – July 2006 (1 year 1 month) My Roles & Responsibilities:
• Handled a team of 22 Personal Bankers for Wealth Management procuringthe highest productivity in the country.
• Achieved Outstanding appraisal rating for the CY 2005 – 2006
• Supervised several products like Mutual Funds, Life Insurance-Aviva Life
• Product, Deposits, CASA, Credit Cards, Personal Loans, Loans againstSecurities and RBI Bonds.
• Raised the Benchmarks for Personal Banking team of the region, theaverage productivity of Mutual funds for Personal banking team has increased from 6 Lacs. Equity to 32 Lacs. equity per month within a span of One year. • Achieved Annual Revenue Target of 2.16 Cr. against the set target of 1.5 Cr. For FY 05-06; for the team by advising wealth products to existing client database of 1800 customers & added new HNI Clients to branch base.
Area Sales Manager – (Liability/Asset)
June 2002 – July 2005 (3 years 2 months) My Roles & Responsibilities:
• Handled a team of On-roll 32 Employees, and Off-roll of more than 150Employees.
• Awarded Outstanding Annual Appraisal rating for all corresponding FYs i.e.from 2002 – 2005
• Achieved First Rank in the nation for opening maximum number of SavingAccounts in FY 2004 – 2005.
• Topped twice in the internal test conducted for sales team in ICICI Bank with
99.67% marks.
• Achieved Deposit And Investment Targets for Preet Vihar, Mayur Vihar,Ghaziabad, NOIDA and Kaushambi branches.
• Actively managed a sales team comprising of 150 Executive and Trainees forretail deposits and investments.
Area Leader for CASA
April 2001 – May 2002 (1 year 2 months)
Cosmodies & Components Pvt. Ltd
Senior Executive
March 1997 – March 2001 (4 years 1 month)